Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back By Popular Demand. Or Something Like That.


278.2 lbs

Well, I'm back.  It's been a month almost to the day.  I've maintained weight for the most part which is saying something I think.

So, yeah.  I have no idea what really caused the shunning of the blog but, sometimes it happens.  I even stopped checking my bloggy email.  Wanna know why?  Well, I kept getting comments.  I kept getting "Where Are You?" notes.  Basically, I was being told that in no uncertain terms was I going to be allowed to go gentle into that good night.  Yes, that's dramatic, but in a way, it's true.

I sometimes get very overwhelmed with my weight.  This whole trying to find a date online hasn't made anything easier either.  I'd much rather meet someone face to face so there are no levels of um surprise left to be discovered.  While I've given full disclosure to in my profile, there's still that first ripping off of the bandaid when someone meets you for the first time in person.  I hadn't anticipated that.

Anyway.  I haven't exercised one bit.  I'm getting on a plane in two weeks (a week and a half actually) and I will still not be able to break my 275 lb self from sitting in those seats.  I really want to be below that number but somehow continue to sabatage myself any time I get close to doing so.  Shit!

Anyway (again).  I wanted to tell you all that I really (really) appreciate your warm wishes and concerns and cheers and everything that welcomes me back into the fat fighting fold. 

Thank you for not leaving me alone.



Anna said...

Welcome back, friend! :)

Cole Walter Mellon said...

I hate it when friendly voices go silent because I can just imagine the mischief they're up to and how hard they've fallen off the wagon. It doesn't happen to everyone who goes dark, but I'll bet it does to most.

Don't give in. This journey is long and full of difficulties, but it's not impossible. It takes time and effort, hard work and discipline, but impossible it is not.

Jump back aboard, sunshine. We've been saving a seat for you...

Dr. Fat To Fit said...

Welcome back! I've missed you. Move forward from this point. No more side trips, no more! You can do this!

Anonymous said...

Here's your seat...right beside me, your totally optimistic, disgustingly cheerful wexting partner. Oh. That sounds rather odd, in a scandalous sort of way!

Missed you! Now just pick up where you are and take a step. One step.

That's all.

And you're on your way again.

Now should you choose to walk around the block, that's even better than the single step!

Amanda said...

You're BACK!! Let me know when you want to step it up on Wednesdays again -- I've managed to totally clear them (other than the requisite kid interruptions) so we should be golden there.

So glad to see you in my feed again :)

Losing It said...

You're back. Yay!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you posted. I've been thinking a lot lately about the people behind the quiet blogs. I'm glad you decided to make a little noise again.

I'm Just Another Fat Girl -jafg said...

Aw! I love warm fuzzies! <3


MackIam said...

I wish you could have seen my little face light up... as I exclaimed "I have a follower!"

Yeah, I'm an easily amused little thing... but it makes me happy.

Thanks for stopping by and making my day!

taming the beast said...

I am glad you are back ! It is good to be noticed,wanted and wondered about.Consider yourself worried about!

Honib1 said...

I wondered if you had given up on your blog.. usually I am a silent reader.. glad you are back... try to keep in mind if you can.. that you are not the sum of your pounds .. the weight is just a part of you.. not the complete picture... yes it is what people see first.. but it is not all that makes you .. you...
best always!

Kirsten said...

If you don't come back soon regularly, I'm keeping all the dildos you loaned me.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I think I must have ran across you right before you took a have been missed! I have taken quite a few blogging "sabbaticals" in the past, and it's great that you've maintained through yours.

Jae said...

Come baaack!

teresa said...

Hi, I just found your blog. I hope you're still around. If you're having a hard time getting it going, I'm your girl. I've done nothing but gain weight since January (and I've been "dieting" the whole time!)
But, I'm not giving up. No Way, not this time.
Call on me if you want or need support.
Take care...

I'm Just Another Fat Girl -jafg said...

Firstly, I love you all. Every last one of you!

Secondly, " Results Not Typical Girl said...
If you don't come back soon regularly, I'm keeping all the dildos you loaned me." Best freakin comment EVER.

