Monday, January 24, 2011



281.8 lbs

I weighed myself yesterday.  I figure it's still good today.

I can't believe that it's already the last week of January.  It's hard to believe that we're 24 days into a new year.  Where does the time go?  It seems like we're so focused on all the little details of things that don't really matter that it all just disappears without even being noticed.  That's deep for almost 5pm on Monday.

So BB (that's Blushing Bride) and I are supposed to go workout tonight.  Basically that means I'm going to finally head back to Concierge Gym.  I really don't want to right now.  Really.  I just want to go home and drink a glass of red wine and maybe even have a cigarette snuggle with the Kitty. 

It's been a hell of a day.  Well, truth be known, it's been a hell of past several days.  I'd love to go home and just eat mac n cheese.  I may, yet.  Jury's still out.  I also wouldn't mind having a little chocolate afterwards.  I have hot cocoa packages so that's a definite "do" tonight.  Yum,  Mac n Cheese and Hot Cocoa.  And a blanket, my couch, and Chuck and Castle.  Not all at the same time, though.

Yeah, I'm pretty much wiped right now.  All I can think about is my couch and comfort food. 

Of course....  It probably doesn't help that I took that half a xanax.



Amanda said...

If you don't mind a little TMI, "that time" showed up a freaking week early today, which would explain why yesterday morning I was sobbing hysterically over something ridiculous, and followed it up with a chips/ dip/ brownie fest.

Some days it's just necessary. Now if my children will cooperate and finish erasing the remaining evidence...

I'm Just Another Fat Girl -jafg said...

My dear Amanda!

Please pack up the left over brownies and ship them to me.

