Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Evening


274.6 lbs

I just thought that I'd login real quick like and share this info with you. 

I'm sure in the morning it'll be a little higher, but I saw it on the scale none the less.

I checked it twice.



Losing It said...

damn girl. gloves are off huh ?

are you feeling better?

hope so!

kimert said...


Hope you are feeling better! My daughter has been knocked down by some nasty virus the last few days and I am hoping it doesn't hit anyone else. No fun!

misssarahlou said...

WOW! Do you find that you weigh more in the am?

Christine said...

YAY!!! Congrats!!!

I'm Just Another Fat Girl -jafg said...

@ Roxie According to My Fitness Coach, I'm a boxin fool!

@ Kimert I am keeping my fingers crossed about good health in your household

@ MissSarahLou(Who!) You will always make me think of the Grinch who stole Christmas. I so heart your name! Anywho...I usually weigh more at night. Yesterday I ran balls to the wall all day yesterday on about 300 calories from lunch. I weighed before I ate two helpings of spaghetti last night ;-)

I'm Just Another Fat Girl -jafg said...

@ Christine

Thank you!