???.? lbs
[I have no idea; I didn't weigh today.]
JAFG: [insert picture of elliptical machine] Guess where I am!
(20 minutes later)
JAFG: I think I got heat rash on my arrse from that little session.
JAFG: No kidding
Kimmert: LOL ouch!
JAFG: I know. Can't wait till I get home and sit on an icepack. :)
Kimmert: I've had chubrub on the thighs before and learned bodyglide is my friend!!
JAFG: Oooh what is that???And "chubrub" <===hahahahaha!
Kimmert: Looks like deodorant. Get it at Dicks sporting goods, runners use it to prevent chaffing. It's great! The Bodyglide, not the chubrub ;)
JAFG: Dunno...seems like under the right circumstances chubrub might not be so bad...
Ah, another fabulous benefit of VWBs: Workout texting. Or, WEXTING. Keeps things fun!
So Angela Pea is my VWB of the day. I'm hitting a new cardio class at the gym tonight. Yup. Me and my heat rash.
Fun times, indeed.
No way in hell I could wext. I'm lucky I can see straight/breathe/jog in a straight line/etc. Something that takes delicate skill, much less multi-tasking, is right out for me!
I'm glad it brings you happiness and joy during your workout!
haha love it! It's just as funny today as yesterday! The convo - not the rash! Hope it is better today!
Yay for you and a new cardio class!! Can't wait to hear about that and "see" you bright 'n early (your time, not mine!).
It should be stated for the record that I only text before and after workouts. If the instructor gives me a break during cardio hell, Angie Pea will get a progress report.
LOL!! That's right...before and after, not during. I'd probably trip over my feet and fall off the treadmill if I tried to text and move at the same time.
So - how WAS the class?? The body pump class at our Y is on Thursday night. I've already roped my teen daughters into going with me to try it.
Bodyglide? Gotta get me some.
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