285.5 lbs
Yikes. I brought my workout clothes to work. I even remembered to pack matching socks and my tennies. Oh yeah, I did finally find my other tennie (see my flip-flop post).
I'm trying to take a break from smoking today so that I can really do ok on whatever treadmill-like machine I'll be on (I really hope I'm alone in there...). I did that by not stopping to buy another pack last night. What the hell was I thinking?! It's killing me. I'm also trying to drink plenty of water and not snack at all.
So picture it, my friends....A nicotine-fiending, food-crazed, exercise-phobia-facing woman sitting at the keyboard.
All for the purpose of working out in public. Where people can see me. Sweating. In Shorts. Where I Live.
Holy crap. I need a cigarette!!
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

I hear ya on the cigarette part -- and I haven't had one in six months.
Go on and kick some cardio butt. You'll totally rock it!
Good bloog post
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